Archive for December, 2004

Yahoo! News – Race to Bury Asia’s Dead as Toll Hits 68,000

December 29, 2004

Yahoo! News – Race to Bury Asia’s Dead as Toll Hits 68,000 …mind numbing

Where to go for your Tablet PC apps!

December 28, 2004

If you recently received a new Tablet PC and are wondering where to go for those ink-enabled apps: and

Enjoy your new Tablet PC!

Scobleizer: Microsoft Geek Blogger

December 25, 2004

Here is another of my favorite destinations : Robert Scoble

Merry Christmas!

December 23, 2004

I hope that you and your family have a wonderful time together. Put on some Bing Crosby or Frank Sinatra Christmas music. The Peace on Earth / Little Drummer Boy duet by Bing Crosby and David Bowie is fantastic.

I pray that your Christmas is Christ centered and that 2005 is a blessed year for you and your family.

– Rob Bushway

Favorite places to visit

December 23, 2004

One of my places to visit is They have some of the coolest stories on technology and gadgets.

Give them a visit:

Got a ticket to Bill Gates keynote address at CES!

December 17, 2004

I was able to get one of six tickets that Microsoft had available to them for Bill Gates’ keynote address. I am soooo pumped!



Tablet PC Community Meetup at CES!

December 17, 2004
Lora from is organizing a Tablet PC meetup for those attending CES. This is going to be a blast. I’ll be there and will look forward to meeting others. Signup at Lora’s Blog or by emailing her via her blog.
“Good news! We’re set for a time and location for a Tablet PC Community Meetup during CES. Microsoft is gracious enough to let us use its private suite for meetings.

Day: Saturday, January 8, 2005

Time: 10AM to 1PM
Refreshments and lunch will be served.
Of course, we’ll have plenty to talk about after seeing all the Tablet PCs on the trade show floor. Those of you who are also looking for a giveaway will be pleased too. “

Next review: Motion Bluetooth keyboard

December 17, 2004

My next review on will be on the Motion Bluetooth Keyboard. Nice keyboard, if I can keep it connected.


Electrovaya SC2100 reviewed

December 15, 2004

I just published a review of Electrovaya’s SC2100 at Check it out…




Speed up your FireFox Web browsing

December 13, 2004

I saw this great tip on speeding up the already fast FireFox was browser. Enjoy. Great tip, Vaporware!

Tablet PC – Forum