Archive for February, 2005

New NEC – 2lb Tablet PC – only available from Japan

February 28, 2005

Have you been looking for a way to get the 2lb NEC tablet pc only available from Japan? Look no further….

FYI: it only comes with the Japanese os on it. so, if you want the English os, you would have to own an MSDN subscription.

Tablet PC – Forum

Tablet PC Show #1 Program Notes

February 28, 2005

Be sure to listen in to The Tablet PC Show on The Podcast Network. Great job, James!

Tablet PC Show #1 Program Notes: “

Welcome to the first crack at The Tablet PC Show. The Tablet PC Show will be bringing you useful information about the ink-enabled devices and sparkling conversations with people in the Tablet PC community. In future shows we will bring developers of great Tablet PC programs onto the show to discuss their software and let listeners know the direction their development is heading.

This show is intended as a way to get to know me and what we will be doing over future shows and share a little bit of information about the Tablet PC (of course).

I Ink Therefore I Am

Brightcove Launched

February 28, 2005

This from Jeremy Allaire’s (co-founder of Allaire – later sold to Macromedia) weblog

Brightcove Launched: “

As noted on PaidContent, we’re launching Brightcove, a company I started last summer and have been stealth until now.  While we’re not getting into too much detail about what we’re actually doing, we are starting to talk about the themes and ideas behind the company, which one can clearly use to deduce what we might be up to. 

The theme of the "democratization of media" is one that goes all the way back to my origin interests in the Internet, and to some of the important ideas that framed and drove ColdFusion, and Allaire’s other software franchises.  We’re onto the next phase of experiences on the Internet, and the much richer and expressive medium of video. 

There’s a narrated animation on our website that gives a good view into what we see happening and how we hope to help producers and publishers of video take us into the emerging era of Internet Television.

We’ve also published a company blog that is a rollup of news, announcements, blogsphere references and suggested reading.  Keep it in your RSS readers!
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MWA was a ton of fun

February 28, 2005

If you attend Microsoft Windows Anywhere, let Frank Gocinski know your thoughts:

MWA was a ton of fun: “

Wow, the three weeks leading up to MWA were incredibly busy and full of last minute details (and I logged over 10K air miles), issues and concerns, it was fun to see how well our first tablet and mobile pc application development focused conference went. Great execution, lots or hard work, excited customers, great press and news about tablet and mobile pc. Great hardware reviews and announcements and excellent opportunities for the OEMs to talk with the developer and ISVs.


I’ll compile a list of the external news and post that shortly, I’d encourage you to read some of the timely data posted on the Tablet focused sites and newsgroups.


So many people from Microsoft, Fawcette, Matt from Wagged, our MVPs, Tablet Influentials and many more played a critical role in making this event happen. Two folks who really kicked it up a notch to make this event a success were Tina and Lora – you ladies rock!


We however are not done, in fact we’ve just started.  Should we do this again? Do you think MWA in Orlando with VS Live Orlando makes sense, should we merge with MEDC and start to build an end to end mobile message for our customers?

I Finally Took the Plunge – Michael Hyatt

February 27, 2005

Some interesting thoughts from Michael Hyatt on his official switch from the Tablet PC to the Powerbook.

I Finally Took the Plunge: “

I am now officially a Mac PowerBook user. I bought one of the new 15“ models, which has 40% more screen space than the more compact 12” model. It also has a faster processor (1.67 GHz), bigger hard drive (80 GB), faster FireWire port (800 Mb/sec), a SuperDrive (CD-RW, DVD-RW), s-video port (for playing DVDs on a TV or external monitor), and 1 GB of RAM.

Eight Essentials of Tablet User Interface Success

February 27, 2005

Eight Essentials of Tablet User Interface Success

Sahara i213 Review

February 27, 2005 has a good review and great pictures of the Sahara i213 iTablet Tablet PC.

Sahara i213 Review

A needed Tablet PC TIP enhancement

February 26, 2005

I’d love to see a fix where the floating TIP for the Tablet PC wouldn’t cover up buttons – like the run button in the start menu, or drop down lists, etc.

jkOnTheRun: Onfolio- can it replace my current tools?

February 26, 2005

Great review by Jame Kendrick on Onfolio. I’m quickly getting addicted to it as well. As an RSS feed aggregator and information management tool, it really rocks! I highly recommend you read James review.

jkOnTheRun: Onfolio- can it replace my current tools?

Please pray for this man…

February 24, 2005

We found out this morning that one of our best friends’ brother was diagnosed with a brain tumor this morning. His name is Scottie.

He is 3 years married and his wife is 5 months pregnant. He is 3 years out of med school.

The tumor is completely incapsulated, but it is sitting on his brain stem. After removing the tumor, the right side of his face will be completely paralyzed, his right ear will be completely void of hearing, and only 40% learn how to walk again. They find out next Friday about surgery.

This is one of the doctors that helped with my daughters brain tumor diagnosis.