Archive for March, 2005

Copernic responds to Tablet PC support issue

March 31, 2005

Thanks for leading the charge on this, Marc and James.

From Marc Orchant:

James and I both just received the following from Martin Bouchard at Copernic:

Mr. Kendrick,

I’ve been reading your post regarding your problems with CDS and the Tablet PC. Let me assure you that Copernic will now include the Tablet PC in our QA test benchs. I’ve personally bought a Tablet PC two days ago to make sure we support this platform. We will let you know when we will have a correction for the bug you encountered.

Please accept our sincere apologies.

Martin Bouchard, co-founder

Copernic Technologies

Most welcome news and exactly the response I was hoping for. Thank you Martin. Your support of the Tablet PC
platform is really appreciated. This is the right way to respond to an issue like this. I look forward to testing CDS
again when you believe you have the issue with TIP fixed.

(Via The Tablet PCs Weblog.)

Copernic Desktop Search 1.5 official released – but don’t install it on a Tablet PC!

March 31, 2005

Marc Orchant talks about why he and James Kendrick won’t be installing the new Copernic Dekstop Search on his Tablet PC. Why? It doesn’t work on a tablet pc and Copernic won’t buy a tablet pc to test against. Come on guys, you can get a tablet pc for $1500. That’s poor customer support.

Terri Schiavo has died – Mar 31, 2005

March 31, 2005

Our society has shown its’ true colors for allowing this to happen, and the true after effects of 25 years of Roe V Wade. The effects of today will be felt for generations and our children’s children will ask how we could have ever let this happen. Starving someone to death. Forgive us…. – Terri Schiavo has died – Mar 31, 2005

Tablet PC TechEdBlogger?

March 31, 2005

Chime in on Robert’s blog:

Are you a Tablet PC TechEdBlogger?: “

I wonder how many TechEdBloggers use a Tablet PC?

(Via The Tablet PC Education Blog.)

DevEx: 5 More Rules of Tablet UI Success

March 31, 2005

Eight More Rules of Tablet UI Success: “Developers are starting to get the message: A Tablet PC is not a standard desktop or notebook PC. It’s easy to think that the Tablet PC is simply just a notebook with a bright swiveling screen, a pen, a few new UI widgets and a few extra bits crammed into the operating system. In a previous article (Eight Essentials of Tablet User Interface Design), I presented some suggestions that applications programmers and UI designers should keep in mind while…”

(Via Tablet PC Talk News.)

jkOnTheRun: Fifteen minutes of fame starts… now

March 31, 2005

How much for those autographs, James?

Houstonian James Kendrick recently translated his love of blogging into podcasting. His two new shows, techADDICTION and The Tablet PC Show take a look at gadgets and devices from PDAs to ultra-portable computers and the Tablet PC.

jkOnTheRun: Fifteen minutes of fame starts… now

The Pew Tablet: Whatcha Reading?

March 31, 2005

Great followup by Mark Payton on Tablets and e-books:

My wife and I were talking the other day, when I mentioned that I had read “my book” while riding a stationary bike. She laughed and asked, “Which one? You are always reading six books.”

Little does she know.

Not only do I usually have a half-dozen books of various kinds going, I have that many again, or more, in progress on my Tablet. Many are technical, some are for pure enjoyment, several are literary works I never got around to in school, quite a number are of a spiritual bent.

The Pew Tablet: Whatcha Reading?

New XML feed

March 30, 2005

In trying to move away from the Blogspot ATOM feed, I’m now using Feedburner. Please update your feed url with the following:

Apparently, MindJet doesn’t like ATOM feeds, so I’ve moved to an RSS compliant feed.

jkOnTheRun one of the 14 Best Mobile Blogs!

March 30, 2005

Congratulations, James!

jkOnTheRun one of the 14 Best Mobile Blogs!: “

The Mobile Technology Weblog recent (OK, a few weeks ago but I thought I had mentioned it earlier) listed their list of the 14 Best Mobile Blogs and I am honored to be on this short list! Thanks Russell!

(Via jkOnTheRun.)

e-books and Tablet PCs.

March 30, 2005

I totally agree with Loren and the author that the tablet pc will drive the e-book. Since developing my TabletBible apps ( ), I’ve come to really appreciate the concept of the e-book, marking them up, etc.

Why technology moves faster than the (e-Book) market: “

In a review of the book: ‘The Slow Pace of Fast Change: Brining Innovations to Market in a Connected World‘ by Bhaskar Chakravorti, there are some interesting tidbits on e-Books.

What caught my attention was the reviewer’s final comments on e-Books and Tablets:

‘In case you are wondering if e-books have fallen by the way side – apparently not! Now technology research firms say that the dominant device will be the Tablet PC and after 2006 e-book demand will drive the sales of Tablet PCs. And there is new technology already in play, with new shepherds – Sony and Philips. Sony’s digital e-book reader LIBRIé was launched in Japan in 2004. It uses digital paper technology developed by E Ink.’

Will Tablets give rise to the e-Book market? Could be. The growth of audio books though may indirectly help its textual cousin. Why? Because both can be delivered digitally so an infrastructure built for one can be used for both. The demand for e-Books can grow organically.

Another possibility is that universities will go so digital with content exchange that books will follow. Here again, an infrastructure will slowly get built up geared around lower-volume, higher dollar content, which will then spread out across the market.

A direct assault on the reading marketplace hasn’t worked as analysts had once expected, partly I think because the jump was too big.

Mobile devices, such as the Tablet PC and the iPod, may be the technological cusps that inspire the next e-Book market rage. We’ll see.

(Via Incremental Blogger.)