Archive for April, 2005

Shawn Van Ness — Snipping Tool Hints

April 30, 2005

Shawn Van Ness offers some helpful hints for Snipping Tool 2.0. Prior to arriving at Microsoft as a full-employee, Shawn had a lot to do with the development of Snipping Tool 2.0 — Snipping Tool Hints

Why pain?

April 30, 2005

For the past two years, our family has been on a trek that has been defined by pain, joy, anger, and despair. Watching your daughter suffer through two brain surgeries, 6 months of chemo, various therapies, and hope only being answered by disappointment will shake a parent to the core of their soul.

As I write this, I’m watching Maggie lay through the after-effects of another seizure. They wipe her out. Within the next two – three weeks, she’ll be scheduled for a highly advanced MRI that should isolate the hot spot of her seizures. Having that information will likely lead to the removal of the right temporal lobe of her brain.

Many people have asked me how all of this has effected me. I’ve grown closer to my wife than I ever thought possible. I’ve sat in my office for days and just cried, not getting any work done. I’ve noticed the tone in my voice become very tense when I talk with my kids. We’ve made it through financial hardships due to the wonderful kindness of others. Praying to God, I’ve lashed out in anger and been thankful that we are exactly where He wants us to be, all in the same prayer. I’ve longed for our family to return to a normal way of life, struggling to come to terms with this new normal. I’ve come to realize that this new life that God has for us is so much richer than what we ever had before. There is no safer place than we are right now – exactly where He wants us.

Meanwhile, my daughter has layed in bed praying that she won’t have another seizure as she goes to sleep. She’s cried herself to sleep countless nights that her hair would grow back and that people wouldn’t call her a boy. Its’ been a long haul for her and its’ not over yet, even with finally being declared cancer free.

So, why pain? I’m convinced that God begins to show us His true heart through suffering. He longs for us to communicate with Him on a real, personable level. Lash out at Him with anger and frustration and in another minute, you’ll be crying to Him for help. That’s prayer. Its’ real communication. Its’ transparent communication. We do that when we are suffering. Our guards are down and we are reliant on Him and His body for help – we can’t do it all ourselves any longer. That’s where He wants us so we can be molded. If we are transparent with others at the same time, we show others that the Christian walk is never an easy one. God never promised us a life of ease. He did promise to comfort us.

So, relish where God has you and be thankful that He loves you enough to bring you through such a journey and show you a glimpse of Himself that very few others will ever get to see. No matter what happens, hold on to the fact that God is good.

MIKE WENDLAND: Gates’ sights set on automobiles with his gizmos

April 30, 2005

MIKE WENDLAND: Gates’ sights set on automobiles with his gizmos: “But before that, Gates sat down with the Free Press to talk tech and show off a new device Microsoft will offer to dealership service garages.

The device, which can be built into a baseball cap or worn as a visor, contains a tiny piece of translucent plastic that projects the equivalent of a 17-inch computer screen before the wearer’s eyes.

Microsoft says mechanics can use the $3,995 device to look simultaneously — and hands-free — at, say, a car engine and the computerized image of a wiring diagram.

‘This is a very cool thing,’ said Gates, who, despite a conservative dark-blue business suit and tie worn to fit in with the auto execs, seemed every bit the geek at heart as we talked about gizmos and gadgets.”

Editor’s note: Turning off the ‘flyout’ – News –

April 30, 2005

Dean Wright, the Editor in Chief of MSNBC noted that many of their readers complained of the flyout menus. So they took them down.

I personally loved them – it made navigating the site much easier and I could easily scan new items as they appeared on the menus.

That said, they “listened” to their customers and implemented what they wanted. That’s responding to the needs of their customers.

Editor’s note: Turning off the ‘flyout’ – News –

What does it take?

April 30, 2005

What does it take to be a good technologist?

Sure it takes a knack for technology, a desire to learn more. But what seperates those that like technology from those that can successfully apply it for their customers? Listening.

When you can step back and listen to what your customer is saying and remove your preconceived solutions, you set yourself apart from most of the other so-called technology professionals out there; and you will have a customer for life.

Listening. Give it a try.

The iTable – gotta check this out

April 29, 2005

(Via Engadget.)


Kids, blogs and too much information – Consumer Security –

April 29, 2005

Fascinating article. I didn’t realize how the blogosphere was so dominated by teens.

Parents, we have got to be engaging and interacting with our kids. Know them, talk to them, hike with them, check up on them.

Kids, blogs and too much information – Consumer Security –

vnunet: Tablet PCs are a bitter pill?

April 28, 2005

I thought I’d post my response to this thread and article here:

Convertible Tablet PCs are what will make the Tablet PC concept successful. Not the other way around. If the only tablet PCs were slates, it would have died a long time ago.

After using a convertible, people will say “hey, you know what I don’t really need a keyboard. Those slates look great.” Or they may say “I love this convertible.”

The thing is, choice (and better marketing) is what will make tablets successful, not a lack of choice.

Tablet PC – Forum

Will Your PC be ready for Longhorn?

April 28, 2005

Great article by Mary Jo Foley on Longhorn readiness:

Will Your PC Be Ready for Longhorn?: “Microsoft isn’t offering up many concrete specs for Longhorn PCs. But company officials are making some strong ‘suggestions’ as to what PC makers should be providing.”

(Via Microsoft Watch from Mary Jo Foley.)

Intel deploys centrino system – no tablets?

April 28, 2005

Good question, Loren. Where are the Tablets in this deployment?

Intel plans large deployments of Centrino systems in education: “

Intel posts its plans for a notebook platform tailored For Chinese university students. Hmmm. Where are the Tablets?

(Via Incremental Blogger.)