MIKE WENDLAND: Gates’ sights set on automobiles with his gizmos

MIKE WENDLAND: Gates’ sights set on automobiles with his gizmos: “But before that, Gates sat down with the Free Press to talk tech and show off a new device Microsoft will offer to dealership service garages.

The device, which can be built into a baseball cap or worn as a visor, contains a tiny piece of translucent plastic that projects the equivalent of a 17-inch computer screen before the wearer’s eyes.

Microsoft says mechanics can use the $3,995 device to look simultaneously — and hands-free — at, say, a car engine and the computerized image of a wiring diagram.

‘This is a very cool thing,’ said Gates, who, despite a conservative dark-blue business suit and tie worn to fit in with the auto execs, seemed every bit the geek at heart as we talked about gizmos and gadgets.”

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