Archive for June, 2005

Slashdot | Sun Announces Its First Laptop

June 30, 2005

Slashdot | Sun Announces Its First Laptop

Enterprise computer maker Sun Microsystems announced its first-ever laptop yesterday, saying the machine was designed to let engineers and scientists perform demanding computer tasks away from their desks. Sun, which has seen sales fall for the last four years, said that it was also lowering prices for some of its computers by up to 40 percent.”

Starbucks to offer free ice cream Wednesday – Jun. 29, 2005

June 29, 2005

Starbucks to offer free ice cream Wednesday – Jun. 29, 2005

Starbucks Corp., whose sales growth has slowed in recent months, said Tuesday it would give away free ice cream at more than 6,000 of its U.S. coffee shops Wednesday afternoon.

Slashdot | First Picture of new Motorola iTunes Phone?

June 29, 2005

A possible product shot of the iTunes phone?

Slashdot | First Picture of new Motorola iTunes Phone? A TabletPC, Agilix GoBinder, and this Roving Technician

June 29, 2005

Picked this up from Scott Lemon. Great article by Tabletpcbuzz.Com member MiniMage on the virtues of GoBinder. A TabletPC, Agilix GoBinder, and this Roving Technician


June 29, 2005

Will Richardson on implementing 35 tablets at his school:

This has been a pretty slow blogging week, primarily becuase yesterday we kicked off a full year pilot of about 35 tablet PCs in the hands of teachers from every discipline at our school. I ran a two-hour training that was one of the most fun sessions I’ve ever done primarily because of the kick of having the tablet and being able to walk around the room using the stylus to navigate it, everything being projected via wireless connection to a screen at the front of the room. Amazingly cool technology, I think.

I haven’t written too much about my tablet use, but I can’t imagine

Microsoft is missing the podcasting bandwagon

June 29, 2005

 Mike Wendland on podcasting and Microsoft

Again, Microsoft and the Windows world is out-of-touch with state of the art. In this Support of podcasts in iTunes can spoil you ZDNet piece, the authors are so right-on about how behind-the-times Redmond is when it comes to this podcasting boom, writing: … if Microsoft really wants to make life easier for podcast lovers that use Windows Media and/or PlaysForSure-compliant mobile media devices, it’ll copy what Apple has done with iTunes by enabling Windows Media Player as a podcatcher, and it will do it yesterday.The fact of the matter is for non iPod users, listening to podcasts is still cumbersome at best….


Right Flick?

June 29, 2005

RightFlick for easier shift-click & ctrl-click  for Tablet PCs 

Tablet PC – Forum

C3 Expo means business – Tech News & Reviews –

June 29, 2005

Good article by Gary Krakow on tablets and Portables at the >C3 Expo. Although not a fan of tablets, he does see the benefit for some business users

I’m not a fan of using tablet computers myself —but I do see why many business people might disagree. Tablets excel at certain pen-based applications.

Ballmer on MSN, Google

June 29, 2005

 From SeattlePI.Com :

ZDNet reports on a trip by Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer to Australia, including a session with Microsoft partners in which he touched on subjects including .Net and MSN’s competition with Google in search business:

“What you’re saying is, ‘you’re so far behind, why bother’?,” he said when pressed to reaffirm Microsoft’s commitment to search technology as it struggles to catch-up with Google. “Well, if anyone thinks innovation is done in search, you’re wrong.

“Does anyone here really believe search is going to look like it does now in 10 years?,” he asked attendees. He claimed Microsoft’s long-term view was already making ground on Google. “In the next six months, we’ll catch Google in terms of relevancy,” he said.

(See also Inside Microsoft, Search Engine Lowdown, and Search Engine Watch. )

[ Microsoft Blog]

Scott Lemon on the new GoBinder SDK from Agilix

June 28, 2005

GoBinder SDK … Alpha Code: “
Things are starting to heat up here at Agilix Labs as the GoBinder SDK is now reaching good Alpha stages. I just installed the first cut of the GoBinder SDK (build 931) on my Virtual PC Windows XP machine … and it’s up and running!

The core functionality is there and working, and we even have the first sample ‘File System Sync Provider’ in place to test with. I’m now beginning the process of writing my own plug-ins … as a test of the new platform, and my own skills! 🙂

It’s cool to see things coming along nicely, and we’ll soon have some developer forums in place for the SDK. I’m also going to be looking for some developers who want to join an ‘early release’ program and beta test our SDK. We’re looking for .NET developers who want to create some cool plug-ins for our product launch later this year. If you are interested, send me an e-mail: scott.lemon [at]

(Via Tablet PC Thoughts.)