Archive for August, 2005

A way you can help

August 31, 2005

For those of you looking for a way to give to this effort, I’d encourage you to visit MAP International . I worked there as a programmer about 8 years ago.

In addition, all click through revenue on my blog will be donated to this effort. This will be in force for at least the next 6 months. See those ads to the right? Click on them!

MAP Seeks Assistance to Aid Hurricane Victims – MAP International

Another listing of organizations:

Louisiana’s governor is declaring Wednesday a day of prayer.

August 31, 2005 – Unrest grows in flooded New Orleans – Aug 31, 2005

As parts of flooded New Orleans slip into chaos and Gulf Coast communities struggle to deal with the devastation left by Hurricane Katrina, Louisiana’s governor is declaring Wednesday a day of prayer.

Tablet PCs’ Future Uncertain

August 31, 2005

A must-read from eweek on readjusting the outlook for Tablet PCs

Tablet PCs’ Future Uncertain – New Orleans shelters to be evacuated – Aug 30, 2005

August 31, 2005

Distraught resident Harvey Jackson told a local television station about losing his wife in the floodwater as they stood on their roof. (Watch the video report of a husband whose wife slipped from his grip — 1:07 )
“I held her hand as tight as I could and she told me, ‘You can’t hold me.’ She said ‘Take care of the kids and the grandkids,’ ” he sobbed. – New Orleans shelters to be evacuated – Aug 30, 2005

Governor: Refugees must leave New Orleans – Hurricane Katrina –

August 30, 2005

What a devestating tragedy. Its’ hard to imagine that New Orleans will ever be the same city.

Governor: Refugees must leave New Orleans – Hurricane Katrina –

My folks from Mississippi

August 30, 2005

I just spoke with my mom and stepdad. They live in the East Central part of Mississippi – Meridian. The entire city is without power and could be that way for another two weeks.

Thankfully, my folks are just fine. They had trees falling all around them, but none hitting the house. My brother-in-law, on the other hand, had 4 trees hit his house. My mom said that its’ the worst thing she’s ever seen hit that city – and its’soooo much worse on the coast of Mississippi.

Tablet PC a no-brainer?

August 30, 2005

James Kendrick ask’s “What would your killer app be?”

Tablet PC a no-brainer?: “

Lora Heiny points to David Courseys article Tablet PC is Stronger than Predictions Suggest and loves his statement My expectation has been, and continues to be, that Tablet PC will only sell in large numbers when it becomes a no-brainer to buy. This …

jkOnTheRun: You can get Opera free today

August 30, 2005

James points out that you can get the ad-free version of Opera for free today:

jkOnTheRun: You can get Opera free today

ABC News: What Does ‘Back to School’ Mean for Home-Schoolers?

August 30, 2005

ABC News: What Does ‘Back to School’ Mean for Home-Schoolers?

For most, “back to school” season conjures up vivid memories: a fresh notebook, the carefully chosen first-day outfit, sizing up the teacher, seeing friends, and figuring out where you stand in the new classroom pecking order.

But what about the increasing number of children being educated at home? The U.S. Department of Education estimates there were 1.1 million home-schooled kids in 2003, and the numbers have been steadily growing.

Are these kids being deprived of a uniquely American rite of passage? Not necessarily, say many involved in the movement.

Apple plans "special event" on Sep. 7 – Yahoo! News

August 30, 2005

Apple plans “special event” on Sep. 7 – Yahoo! News

Apple on Monday sent out invitations to select media and VIPs for a “special event” planned on September 7, 2005 at 10:00 AM Pacific Time, at the Moscone Center West in San Francisco, Calif.

The e-mailed invitation shows a pair of denim jeans. At the top of the image reads a caption, “1000 songs in your pocket changed everything. Here we go again.”