Archive for December, 2005

New Tablet PC Show woes

December 31, 2005

James Kendrick has posted a reminder on his website that he and Marc are not the cohosts of the Tablet PC Show as hosted by TPN. He has made several requests of TPN to remove his and Marc’s name from the host information, but it still has not been done. I agree with James, it is very confusing to listeners for TPN to still have their names as the hosts, and it is not fair to Perry, the new host.

James and Marc continue to host their own OnTheRun With Table PCs show .


December 31, 2005

A very entertaining and well written article by Tony on the benefits of going mobile with a Tablet PC vs “Lapzilla” (via whatisnew)

My first laptop, a Toshiba 17″ wide-screen P4 desktop replacement (appropriately referred to as “Lapzilla”), became my web development project centre, as well as the heart of my new songwriting and recording studio. Over the past year, I found that with its base weight of 10lb., (not including the power adaptor and other accessories such a beast requires), I did not have as portable a solution as I had hoped for. First, Lapzilla just about covered my desk. Second, its battery lasted just over two-hours on a full charge. Finally, the intermittent cooling fan sounded like a jet engine on take-off.

The problems became even more evident when I started taking Technical Writing classes at BCIT; the sound of the fuel-injected cooling fan drowned out the instructor. At the same time, I had a personal awakening: I had too much information stored between my various computers, as well as in several paper notebooks and journals. I felt the need to “defrag” myself, and that a smaller notebook computer was the answer. At the time I wasn’t even looking for a tablet, but was fascinated by the imagined potential of the technology.

Within a month, I found a recertified Toshiba M200 tablet PC convertible listed for less than half the retail price on the website of Consumer Computer Services, a Toronto company that handles all of Toshiba’s recertified and refurbished products. My first impression was that the M200 looked like a PDA—a REALLY BIG PDA, with more than enough power to synchronize my schedule—this machine would eventually consolidate my life.

I decided to call it “The Consolidator”.

Buying a new computer for Vista

December 31, 2005

Charlie Russell writes about how to pick the best computer to Support Vista and get He most out of Vista.

So you’re getting ready to buy a new computer, and you want to make sure that the computer you buy now will work well with Windows Vista. Well, the good news is that just about any new computer you buy today will work fine with Windows Vista. Because of the way Windows Vista is designed, it will work well across a broad range of hardware. However, to get the best Windows Vista experience, there are some basic system requirements and suggestions you need to know about. In this column, I’ll take a look at how to make decisions now that will leave you in the best possible position when Windows Vista ships. The examples I’ll use below cover the products that are available as of beta 1 (July 2005).

The greatest show on Earth?

December 31, 2005

Forbes article on the upcoming CES show :

While most people are still sleeping off the effects of their New Year’s Eve debauchery, more than 130,000 industry gearheads and 2,500 hopeful exhibitors will flock to Sin City for the annual Consumer Electronics Show. CES is a buzz-filled mecca, where the latest and greatest electronic wares are hyped by small startups and global conglomerates alike.
With more than 1.6 million square feet of space crammed with wires, chips, plastic, booth babes and various attention-grabbing gimmicks, the show is a true circus. No, not Circus Circus, but still the biggest show in town. In fact, the show floor has expanded this year to encompass not only the entire Las Vegas Convention Center but also the Las Vegas Sand’s Sands Expo near the Venetian.

OQO video review

December 31, 2005

Watch James Kendrick review the OQO!

Alienware’s m3400 ultraportable

December 30, 2005

Engadget points to Alienware’s newest ultraportable – M3400. Somehow, Alienware and ultraportable just don’t seem to go together. Great specs on this guy, I especially like the built in camera. I’d love it my tablet pc had one built in.

  • a 1280 x 768 14” screen
  • 4.5 lbs
  • a built-in 1.3 megapixel digital camera
  • gigabit Ethernet
  • 1394
  • four USB 2.0 ports
  • S/PDIF out
  • a 4-in-1 memory card reader
  • and a VGA port

Acer C200 First Looks…

December 30, 2005

Barry Doyle has posted his first look review of the Acer C200 Tablet PC – a full review coming soon.

With its innovative new sliding display mechanism, this convertible tablet feels very much like a slate when you want it to! Most convertible models are more “notebook” than “tablet”, the C200 changes the rules.

Giveaway #2 – Billionton Fingerprint Reader

December 30, 2005

I’m giving away a Billionton Fingerprint reader (PC card based) with the Omnipass Software.

Point to your favorite post on and tell me why it is your favorite. I’ll pick the winning entry on January 8 and announce the winner.

Total Workday Control – Giveaway Contest

December 30, 2005

I’m giving away 2 copies of Michael Linenberger’s book “Total Workday Control – Using Microsoft Outlook”. The contest will be open for until Jan 6. I’ll announce the winner on January 9.

Share your best Outlook productivity tip. I’ll pick two winners and give them each a copy of Michael’s book.

Important Booth Locations at CES 2006

December 30, 2005

Lora  posts the important booth locations for CES, from tablet PC and mobility perspective.

Great list to have.