Archive for January, 2006

Tracy Hooten: I’ll give OneNote one more shot

January 26, 2006

 Looks like Tracy and I have something in common – dropping GoBinder 2006  in leiu of OneNote and the promise of OneNote 12 .

With the public beta of OneNote 12 coming up soon, this is a good time, Tracy. I’m LOVING OneNote 12!!!!!!!!


Win your own DocuPen RC800

January 26, 2006

Ready for a contest every mobile professional will love?

I’m giving away a brand new DocuPen RC800 pen based scanner worth $299!

I just landed a very nice contract and was able to order my own RC800. So I was thinking, why not bless someone else who might not otherwise be able to afford one.

Answer this question as a reply to this thread: How would a pen based scanner like the RC800 impact your digital lifestyle?

A few guidelines on this contest.

  • I won’t award a winner unless I receive a minimum of 50 entries. That means that if you post an entry and would like to see a winner awarded, then get the word out on this contest. I’m not looking for link love, I’m looking for great content for my readers that will benefit other readers and help us all with mobile computing.
  • This contest will run until February 3. Any entries after Feb 3 will not count.
  • I’ll pick a winner based on my own judgment.
  • The winner gets to pick their own color pen, but if they want an expansion card, then I will ask the winner to pick up that additional cost.
  • Leave your email address in the post.
  • 1 entry per person
  • I’ll throw in a copy of Michael Linenberger’s book “Total WorkDay Control using Outlook” and a copy of his interactive training CD.

UPDATE: The minimum of 50 entries has been met, but the contest doesn’t end until 2/3. So, keep the entries coming. A winner will be awarded! Lets’ get as many entries as possible.

Excalibur Online – Taking notes, version 2.0

January 26, 2006

Great article at Excalibur Online on taking notes using OneNote and using the tablet pc functionality built-in. Wait until the author uses OneNote 12!

Its ‘write anywhere’ capability takes some time to master for those of us who are accustomed to using a word processor.  Each time you write on a page, you create a new ‘ink box’ to hold your input, and until you get used to writing in this way, these boxes can become confusingly overlapped. Even so, you can write, draw and annotate.
    I found OneNote to be very useful in group meetings. You can type anywhere on the screen, which is a freedom not afforded by typically more  structured word processors. It is as flexible as writing on a piece of paper, but with features that can only be expected on a computer.

Pete Wright: Using a pen in Vista

January 26, 2006

 Pete Wright continues his great blogging of using Vista and the LE1600 Tablet PC. He also some good screen shots of the tablet pc functionality and a good account of the big bumps in the road.

WindowsWithInk blog

January 26, 2006

 Very cool homepage for the Windows With Ink blog. Can’t wait to see what else he does with it. I love the simple notepage look.

Via Loren.

The Feature Bob Invented

January 25, 2006

Jensen Harris blogs about the story behind the ribbon in Office 12 and how one of the features made it in. Thank you, Bob!

Paperless Challenge Podcast, Part One

January 25, 2006

Eric Mack and Tracy Hooten. have recorded part one of the Paperless Challenge. Take a listen. I’m downloading it right now.

These will probably be must have resources for Tablet PC and mobile professionals.

Uber Tablet: a Tablet PC Talk Spot!

January 25, 2006

Be sure to checkout Hugo Ortega’s new Tablet PC blog, courtesy of  Dr. Neil, a fellow Tablet PC MVP.

Dr. Neil successfully evangelized the Tablet PC to Hugo, and now Hugo has taken off on his own. From his profile:

Hugo ‘poogie’ Ortega is one very misguided geek. Knowing that Tablet PC take up in Australia has been very unimpressive, to say the least, he has single-mindedly begun preaching to anyone, willing or unwilling to listen, about the merits of Tablet PC.

In we will share our Tablet related experiences and thoughts. With your input we’ll make talk’n Tablet a daily occurrence.

Chad Essley’s Tablet Pc SketchBlog: ArtRage 2.0 – The Review:

January 25, 2006

I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to link to Chad Essley’s ArtRage 2.0 review. He does some comparisons to Alias Sketchbook as well. This is the first time I’ve seen these two products reviewed, and Chad does a great job.

Does ArtRage 2 stand up to Sketchbook Pro in 2 terms of quality / features? In the following review, I do a side by side comparison between the two products, and a highlight of some of ArtRage 2.0’s new features.

Via The Buzz

Will Core Duo Notebooks Trade Battery Life For Quicker Response? | Tom’s Hardware

January 25, 2006

Good article at Tom’s Hardware on battery life and the new Dual Core processors:

According to vendor reports, the battery life for the new dual core platforms in notebooks using Intel’s integrated graphics core isn’t supposed to decline at all, when compared with the previous generation (Sonoma). Our first measurements on a prototype device with a dedicated graphics chip (ATI X1600) paint a completely different picture, however, and this detracts from the positive impression that the new technology’s improved performance creates. We can only guess whether the relatively modest battery lifetimes we observed in our test system are due to the graphics subsystem, the chipset itself, or a combination of these elements. That said, as we’ll prove later in this article, this new CPU is definitely no energy hog.