Archive for February, 2006 launched!

February 26, 2006

The surprise is over: Dennis Rice and I have launched our own commercial website dedicated to tablet pc and mobile pc called: It features InkShows, news, editorials, categories, and more that is in the works. This has been something in the works for quite some time and I’m thrilled to be doing something together with Dennis.

Currently on the site, we have an InkShow previewing TEO 3.0, OneNote 2007, and GoBinder 2006 – more coming soon.

I won’t be posting any longer to, but I will maintain my own personal blog at Feel free to visit me over there.

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Origami – the video

February 25, 2006

If you are are following this whole Origami thing, check this link:

I’ll take one of those for each person in my family….

Thanks, Warner

InkGestures 1.1 now available

February 25, 2006

Loren and the developers at Jumping Minds software have just released an update to InkGestures – version 1.1

If you have not given InkGestures a test run on your tablet pc, download it and see what you think. � New blog and Tablet PC

February 25, 2006

Troy is a new Tablet PC user who just started a blog. He just purchased a Toshiba M200 2 ghz tablet pc.

I’m looking forward to reading how Troy takes to the M200 and what his first impressions are. It is always exciting to watch new tablet pc users start to explore. It’ll be an interesting blog to watch – great job on the design, too.


Engadget has some photos of the Origami Project device

February 25, 2006

Not sure if these are current, real, or what but Engadget is standing by their sources and posted pictures of the Origami devices might or do look like

Check out Engadget for more Thanks for the link, Warner

Origami Project? – What the heck is it?

February 24, 2006

There seems to be a lot of speculation floating about around a new website that Microsoft just launched: Not much detail at all on the site (quite a tease), but it tells folks to check back on 3/2 and then there is a 3rd week option, probably 3/9….will be interesting to watch. Meanwhile,

Scoble is saying that it is a “device”…. Speculation is running the gamut – read below for a list:

I do know that Origami is the code-name for a new kind of device. Oh, heck, here come the NDA police, gotta go! … – Scoble

Network World is running this article on it as well with supposedly with some info from a “source”: From Network World (where they link to Engadget who links to my article blogging the mobile brief). Network World also links to my article from here

Fortunately, we know someone who knows for certain. According to an industry source who has seen the thing and calls it “very cool,” Origami is one and the same with this ultraportable “lifestyle PC” we were talking about here earlier today. This source is under NDA, an honest fellow and unwilling to share more than his help connecting the dots.

Earlier this month, the author of a blog called Engadget described the device this way: “According to at least one report, Bill Mitchell, Corporate Vice President of the Mobile Platform Division, showed a slide that outlined specs for the new PC category, including that it be wearable, always on, no larger than 10-inches, connected through 3G networks, pen-based, and have a suggested retail price of $500 or less. … One notable spec that could differentiate this one: Microsoft is apparently insisting that this run the full version of Windows.” – Network World

Another commenter on Scoble’s blog claims that it a mobile phone.

Another commenter on Scoble’s blog says:

The buzz around is that this could be a specialised communicator device based on a National Semiconductor’s design originally presented during the COMDEX

Guess we’ll all find out soon. Meanwhile there are a lot of links coming in to my blog…

Screencast of the week!

February 24, 2006

The folks at TechSmith selected my ActiveWords / TEO demo  for Screencast of the Week award. I guess I need to find some room on my site for this nice new banner. I hope that you have found the demo useful as well. BTW: I’ve got some REALLY good screencasts coming up – stay tuned  – about a week away……

Find out more about Camtasia Studio and the power of desktop recording


Another "expert" article on Tablet PCs …..

February 22, 2006

You know that an article written by “Expert Author”  Mike Singh is going to be “really good” when he begins with this:

A tablet pc is a personal computer that has a touch screen. Much lighter and more manageable in small spaces than a laptop, a tablet pc is a truly personal computer.

While a built in keyboard is not standard on a tablet pc a keyboard may be plugged in if the user prefers.

Come on…can someone please get their facts straight before publishing an article like this, especially with a tag line “Expert Author”

Tablet PCs can have touch screens, but most do not.

Most Tablet PCs sold today are of the convertible type with the keyboard built in – Slate Tablet PCs are of the type that do not come with a keyboard.

Gotta love this one:

The handwriting is stored as a graphic….

The handwriting is not stored as a graphic – the ink is its’ own datatype, is searchable, but can be saved as a graphic if necessary ( sending a handwritten email automatically converts to a graphic, exporting to .gif for posting on a website, etc).

Blog:: Craig Pringle – Hands on Review of the M400

February 22, 2006

Craig Pringle has posted the first “Hands On” review of the Toshiba M400 Tablet PC I’ve seen yet. He also posts some really good pictures. Great job, Craig.

Considering the M400? Check it out….

Four Things meme

February 22, 2006

Looks like Lora has tagged me in the Four Things meme floating around the blogosphere. Pretty fun stuff (thanks, Lora).

Here I go:

Four jobs I’ve had:

  • Jewelry salesman
  • Shoe salesman
  • Grocery store bagboy
  • Programming Manager for MAP International

Four movies I can watch over and over:

  • Because of Winn Dixie
  • Lord of the Rings
  • Gladiator
  • On Golden Pond

Four TV shows I love to watch:

  • FoxNews
  • 24
  • Alias
  • Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

Four places I’ve been on vacation:

  • Pisa, Italy
  • West Cliffe, Colorado
  • Panama City, Florida
  • Chicago, Illinois

Four favorite dishes:

  • Peanut Butter and Dark Chocolate Ice Cream
  • Deep Dish Chicago style pizza
  • Mexican Lasanga
  • Peach cobbler

Four websites I visit daily:

Four bloggers I’m tagging: