Another "expert" article on Tablet PCs …..

You know that an article written by “Expert Author”  Mike Singh is going to be “really good” when he begins with this:

A tablet pc is a personal computer that has a touch screen. Much lighter and more manageable in small spaces than a laptop, a tablet pc is a truly personal computer.

While a built in keyboard is not standard on a tablet pc a keyboard may be plugged in if the user prefers.

Come on…can someone please get their facts straight before publishing an article like this, especially with a tag line “Expert Author”

Tablet PCs can have touch screens, but most do not.

Most Tablet PCs sold today are of the convertible type with the keyboard built in – Slate Tablet PCs are of the type that do not come with a keyboard.

Gotta love this one:

The handwriting is stored as a graphic….

The handwriting is not stored as a graphic – the ink is its’ own datatype, is searchable, but can be saved as a graphic if necessary ( sending a handwritten email automatically converts to a graphic, exporting to .gif for posting on a website, etc).

One Response to “Another "expert" article on Tablet PCs …..”

  1. Walter Says:

    Ah the internet Rob. Anyone can be an expert at anything. Just like the guy who prints up business cards with any title he wants.

    Gotta love it.

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